Based so far in Germany, the EuroAsia team moves to Switzerland. The horses will stay in Oensingen (Canton Solothurn) within the facilities of Pius Schwizer, the well- known Swiss top level showjumping rider.
A new page opens up for the EuroAsia horses after two years spent in Dielingen (Germany), under Irish rider Cameron Hanley. After a severe accident in 2011 and against medical prognosis the athlete fought back with EuroAsia to the top level of international showjumping. He showed courage and resolution to climb back in a spectacular fashion in the world ranking list.
The entire EuroAsia team warmly thanks Cameron Hanley for the great achievements made together and wishes him the best in his showjumping endeavours.
The EuroAsia horses will pursue their top level showjumping career in the Swiss colours under Pius Schwizer. Closer to their owners, they move to his facilities in Solothurn, allowing also the Swiss young talent Morgane Dassio (17yo) to join the team.
Source: EuroAsa