Riding from the Inside, Out and Understanding Confidence with John Haime

Riding from the Inside, Out and Understanding Confidence with John Haime

Mindset check! Welcome to 2023. We're kicking off with a mindset conversation because even if you're riding less in the cold, dreary month of January, you can still be doing major work to improve your riding. This conversation will inspire you to pour some time, effort, and energy into yourself, not just your horse. (If you, perhaps, would like some equestrian-specific mindset coaching, EquestrianMasterclass.com offers courses on consistency, fear, and more.)

Today we speak with human performance coach and author of Ride Big, John Haime. John is a former pro golfer turned corpororate executive and athlete coach who has an interesting bird's eye view on equestrian sport. As he began to coach riders following a serendipitous request from an executive he was working with, he realized that equestrians frequently struggle with confidence.

In this conversation, host Caroline Culbertson and John discuss:

  • John's take about the unique challenges riders face versus other athletes
  • An explanation of confidence - what it is, where it comes from
  • The reason you shouldn't say you "lost your confidence"
  • Why "fake it til you make it" doesn't work, and much more.

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