Masterclass Member of the Month: Sophie Coffey

Masterclass Member of the Month: Sophie Coffey

As our Equestrian Masterclass community grows, we greatly appreciate every single person that joins us. Starting this month, we want to acknowledge and appreciate members that have gone above and beyond to support others in the MC community.

Our first 'Member of the Month' is Sophie Coffey. Let's continue to support others and share our riding journeys. This is a glimpse into hers:

1. Tell us a little about your current riding journey.
I returned to horse ownership almost a year ago today after not owning since my early 20s (currently I'm in my late 30s). I was a professional on the east coast H/J circuit in my 20s, then left to join the "real world," and then decided to get back into it as an amateur. My mare Callie and I will compete in the jumpers this year - after trying to convince her last year that hunters were fun, I've decided it's easier for me to change disciplines than her!
2. What is your 'why'?
I ride because I love the problem solving that comes from riding different horses, and if you're lucky, getting to establish a long term relationship with one. I have a mind that never really shuts off, but when I'm riding a horse, I'm not thinking about anything else, and I love that sort of concentration. I also love the fact that it truly is a life long learning process, both in the saddle and on the ground. You can always improve, even if you don't always have the money to show, and that I find to be very rewarding.
Before, I thought I was being "soft" but in reality, I was just being unclear.
3. What has been your favorite course so far?
I have personally gotten a lot out of the Anne Kursinski Masterclass thus far. Riding with "feel" has put me more in the moment and also more in the mindset of what is my horse thinking, and how is my horse processing what I'm asking of her? It's made me both more empathetic and more demanding of her (in the right way). Before, I thought I was being "soft" but in reality, I was just being unclear, which confused her and gave me the opposite reaction from what I wanted. Now, I try to be VERY clear and concise with her, but also feel how she is responding and anticipate how she might respond next. It's brought our partnership closer together.

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